Saturday, September 29, 2007

"Stuck on you"

I watched this movie about five or six times, if I need to write something on movie, it must be this one.

It is talking about a true story. In Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, the siamese twins, Bob (Matt Damon) and Walt (Greg Kinnear) had a successful fast food restaurant and were beloved by the locals. Each one of them had their own characteristics and hobby. Bob was shy and love sports; while Walt was more opened and he loved to be an actor. The main story talks about the conjoined brother decided to move to L.A., because Walt wanted to pursuit his dream - be a movie star- and also Bob could meet his girl who corresponded with him through internet for years. With Bob’s help and Walt’s own talent, they eventually became famous. Just when everything went well they decided to get separated. After that Bob went back to his small town, and Walt continued his career in Hollywood. But at the end of the movie, Walt joined Bob to stay in their hometown, while enjoying the time with his brother and friends.

Several things touched me after watched the movie. First, even normal people sometimes cannot do well when they are facing the difficulties, but the saimese twins dared to do and did well. Bob found a great girl who can tolerate his physical limitation and Walt keep pursuing his dream, knowing the existence of the other conjoined brother. And in the end they both succeed. Second, sometimes ordinary people do unordinary things. Bob decided not to go for separate operation after the awareness of his brother Walt might have low chance to survive in the operation while he was more secure. He chose to live conjoined with his brother for many years. He sacrificed his freedom by not letting his brother to take the risk. On the other hand, when Walt knew that the conjoined figure might affect the relationship between Bob and his girlfriend, he decided to separate. He took the risk to help Bob to fulfill his wishes. In the end, the operation was successful, but before that, every decision was made with great selfless courage.

The story shows the great spirit of the twins. It encouraged me to pursue my goal faithfully but optimistically. Also to achieve the goal for the happiness for everyone, we need to learn to be self-giving and toleratant.

I am going to watch it again after I post this.


Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks for reveiwing this film, Mengwei. I have never heard of this one, but after reading your review, I got interested.

I especially like your analysis of why the film touched you. It sounds like this is not only a film that entertains, but one that forces us to reevaluate our own relationships and goals. Good job expressing that!

Aung Thein (sammy) - EG1471 said...

Hi Mengwei, that is a good review. I can even feel the touching of the film from your review. But I always wonder how much of love do we need in order for us to be selfless to someone.

Ma Li said...

hi mengwei, your film review are very clear and detailed. Beside discribing the content of the movie, you add in your own analysis that make this review so special and unique. well done!! ha ha!

Sin said...

Hey Meng Wei,

Can't agree anymore with what the story is trying to teach:
never bow to reality. Keep fighting for your dream.Self giving is important to achieve harmony and succuss.

And good piece of work too!!

ching said...

Your review sincerely shows how this film touched you ... :)
It quite clear, specific and easy to understand about the film from your review ...
well done !

k said...

Hi Meng Wei, although I have never watch this movie before, I felt sad when I read "Just when everything went well they decided to get separated. ". Somehow I feel that sometimes when everything goes too well for a person, a person tend to forget about the people as well as the relationships that are most important to them. Somehow, a person will only treasure the things around him/her when he/she gets into trouble and is in need. Perhaps, this is not the person's fault, as this might be the results of our fast pace of living.
Perhaps. (: